Range of Services
Our strength lies in the planning and realisation of forward-looking ideas in architecture that is environmentally friendly as well as in the preservation of structures in the classical style.
The profitability of the building and control over construction costs are also very important.
This involves, among other things, the optimal utilisation of the property, the identification of maximum proven usable surface, "good rentability" or "high resale value" - furthermore, the achievement of building quality by means of careful construction with contemporary materials and modern technology, puristic design and ease of maintenance.
The following work phases are carried out with care and in constant consultation with the client:
- Baseline investigations
- Preliminary planning + design planning
- Approval planning
- Implementation planning
- Preparation + cooperation in the allocation
- Construction and work supervision
- Property maintenance + documentation
The fee is negotiable within the framework of the HOAI (Honorarordnung für Architekten u. Ingenieure, or fee schedule for architects and engineers). We are prepared to negotiate and are always open to discussion.